
News and events

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement signed between the University of Traditional Medicine and Grodno State Medical University of the Republic of Belarus, regular lectures were conducted remotely.
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The presentation of the educational manual "Theoretical Foundations of Traditional Eastern Medicine and Fire Needle Therapy Subject" was held on November 21 at the University of Traditional Medicine by Ph.D., professor E.M. Minasyan.
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The General Medicine Council of the United Kingdom has recognized Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) of the University of Traditional Medicine corresponding GMC standards. This means that any doctor with a primary medical qualification awarded by UTMA can apply to sit in the PLAB test and be registered for the GMC.
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November 14 is the World Diabetes Day. On this occasion, a student scientific seminar was held at the University of Traditional Medicine under the title "Access to Diabetes Care".
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On October 16-18, 2023, a grand-scale international conference was held in L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA, organized by the Orbeli Institute and BIO-SEE international bioimaging society. In the conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Institute, within the framework of cooperation with the scientists of the Institute of Physiology, the representatives of UTM also participated with two poster reports. One of the reports was co-authored by Vahan Grigoryan, head of the Student Scientific Society of UTM, lecturer, doctor and UTM student Mr. Anjan Kumar. This paper won an award in the international conference poster competition, taking the 3rd place. V.Grigoryan and Mr. AnjanKumar, together with colleagues from Orbeli Institute, are conducting a research project in the field of peripheral nerve tissue engineering. The project, which has been awarded local and international research grants, was also presented by V.Grigoryan during the conference in his scientific report. Another poster was co-authored by UTMA student Mahsa Kamali, who also served as a member of the Executive committee of the Conference. M. Kamali, who holds a Ph.D. degree in embryology, studies medicine in UTMA as her second specialization. She has a strong background in the tissue engineering field, and is currently involved in a tissue engineering experimental research project, funded by ANSEF grant.
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On October 21, a "Freshers’ party" was organized for the students of the University of Traditional Medicine.
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On the initiative of the Student Council of UTMA and with the support of the Yerevan Avan Chess Sports School, an intra-university chess tournament was held at the University of Traditional Medicine on the 14th of October, in which 24 Armenian and foreign students of the university participated.
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On the 19th  and 20th of  July, UTMA ceremonially sent-off the 27th generation of its graduates to a new phase of life. 117 graduates of "General Medicine" and "Dentistry" professions received graduation diplomas.
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Հունիսի 23-ից 25-ը ԱԲՀ դասախոսներ Նաիրա Հունանյանը, Հայարփի Ջավրուշյանը և Աննա Օվչյանը մասնակցեցին «Կրթական ծրագրերի համահնչեցում #WFME (Բժշկական կրթության համաշխարհային ֆեդերացիա) չափորոշիչներին» թեմայով վերապատրաստման դասընթացներին: ՈԱԱԿ-ի նախաձեռնած դասընթացներին մասնակցում էին Հայաստանում գործող 4 բժշկական ուսումնական հաստատությունների ներկայացուցիչներ և անհատներ: Դասընթացների ավարտին «Կրթական ծրագրերի համահնչեցում #WFME (Բժշկական կրթության համաշխարհային ֆեդերացիա) չափորոշիչներին» թեմայով վերապատրաստման մասնակիցները ստացան իրենց հավաստագրերը:
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Recently, a cooperation agreement has been signed between the University of Traditional Medicine and Medical college named after pharmacist-artist Levon Sargsyan. Within the framework of the agreement, it is planned to carry out an exchange of experience in the fields of teaching methods, research work, study of educational programs. A comparative analysis of educational programs - benchmarking - will also be carried out.
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