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  • A cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Traditional Medicine of Yerevan and Medical College after Mehrabyan

A cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Traditional Medicine of Yerevan and Medical College after Mehrabyan

On February 25, 2025, a cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Traditional Medicine of Yerevan and Medical College after Mehrabyan. The aim of the collaboration is to provide an opportunity for graduates of the college who have completed their studies with "good" and "excellent" grades to continue their education in the 2nd year of the "Dentistry" and "General Medicine" Faculties at the University of Traditional Medicine. From now on, the two educational institutions will carry out extensive cooperation in areas such as educational and methodological development, professional training, exchange of best practices, analysis, benchmarking, implementation of innovative programs, scientific conferences, seminars, and other joint projects. The founder and rector of the university, N. Saribekyan, and the chairman of the Board of Founders of Medical College after Mehrabyan, V. Babayan, emphasized the importance of such cooperation and expressed hope that it would lay the foundation for joint work, which will give positive results.

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