
The ceremony of taking oath and handing out diplomas to UTMA graduates took place

Recently, the ceremony of taking oath and handing out diplomas to the graduates of the "General Medicine" and "Dentistry" faculties of the UTMA took place for the academic year 2023-2024. At the beginning of the event, UTMA Dean Anahit Karapetyan, head of Foreign Relations Department of UTMA Ani Sargsyan, lecturers-supervisors Nina Khlghatyan, Naira Hunanyan addressed the graduates with words of welcome and congratulations. The leaders of the graduating students also gave their speech of thanks. The event was attended by UTMA employees, representatives of various embassies, students' parents, and relatives. During the event, the attendees enjoyed a number of Armenian and various national performances. Dear graduates, once again, we congratulate you on graduating from the university and entering a new and responsible stage of life. We wish your professional path to be effective and fertile .

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