
About Hamzeh Ghorbani, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of General Medicine at UTMA

After succeeding as a scientist in chemical engineering, Hamzeh has decided to specialize in the field of medicine.

“I have both a bachelor's and a master's degree in chemical engineering: all given by the Islamic Azad University (Iran). Besides, I have worked as an assistant at Azad and Payame Noor universities in Iran. So far, I have published more than 50 original articles in reputable high-ranking journals.  I have also worked as a guest editor and as a reviewer for more than 50 journals indexed by WoS / Scopus, where I have evaluated more than 100 articles related to oil, chemical, computer and gas engineering.” - presenting his biography, tells the future doctor Ghorbani.

Now Ghorbani is studying in Armenia, in the second year of the General Medicine Faculty of the University of Traditional Medicine. He is interested in the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in medical research, as well as the fields of oncology and microbiology.

"Several projects have recently been implemented on anatomy, histology, medical physiology, mmeasurement of growth of bacteria, as well as the application of modern technologies in oncology" says Hamzeh, adding that the results of the studies are included in several manuscripts, which will be presented to various journals and scientific conferences in the near future.

For a doctor it is important to have not only practical clinical skills, but also to have a scientific mindset and a deep understanding of problems related to biomedical science. In this regard, H. Ghorbani is an outstanding example, who also inspires other students to do more medical science.

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